jueves, 19 de octubre de 2017

A Chilean Building or Landmark

Hi Everyone!

Today I want to write about a Chilean building or a landmark that I liked. In this oportunity I choose one of the most polemic and outstanding building of Santiago about the last years The "Costanera Center". This Building is emplaced in Providencia in the near of the Tobalaba Metro station. This building is propiety of Cencosud Company and his owner Horst Paulmann Kemna. Is the most high build in LatinAmerica with three haundred meters of high and his name (Costanera) is because his emplaced is in the near of Mapocho river. Inside of this build there are a Mall with six plants, is a big comercial center and his main tower have sixty one plants of office. In general this place is a new turistic attractive of Santiago and the most of tourist visit this place.

I don't remenber when I visited this place for first time, but I remember that my attention was center in the structure of this build because this build is in total made with steel and glass ( at least its looks from outside)

When I think in this build in my mind are two oposite ideas, in the first case I like this build because I feel that place how a place of innovation and technologym, but if I think in which is the real mean of this build I consider this place how a represent of capitalism and the power of the private in this country. For example the high of this build is an a expression of the demostration of power and wealth of his owner and his company.

To be honest anyway lunch many times in that place and usually I buy some books in the bookstores of this place

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