Hi every one!! today I want to comment you about to a documentary named "Mods and Rockers Rebooted", of BBC Documentary 2014.
In my opnion this documentary is very interesting because take a important topic of the society; the urbans tribes, I belive that because I consider this phenomenom how a representation of the individualism and the search of a place in the society for the individual.
In this documentary are expose a two urban tribes of British culture; the Mods and the Rockers, this urban have diferents characteristics and behaviour, meanwhile the mods representsn the modernis and the sense of hapinness because the end of second war, the Rockers represents the sense of freedom and liberty with a clear influences of black music of North America.
Today many elements of both urban tribes are popular for example the music, the rock and some bands exist and are very popular in the world for example The Who, other examples of popular elements of both urban tribes are the clothes and represent accesory, for example the leather jacket or the Chopper motorcycle.